Friday, December 11, 2009

Macau and Hong Kong Trip

***Yawn*** Finally I'm back from Macau and Hong Kong. I just came back today at 12 plus this morning:)I went to Disneyland twice this time,which was on wed and fri. On Wed,I stayed in Disneyland till 8 plus to see the fireworks. It was so nice:) I will try to put the video on the blog so tat your can see. On Fri,I went to take pics with the four princess:Belle,Aurora,Snow White and Cinderella.I will put the picture on the blog too.The weather there was quite cooling.Better than Singapore of course:P

Got to stayed in:Venetian,Macau
MUST stay it is GREAT!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Next Year!

Hi ppl! I am going to P5 next year. I am so happy! I can even study HMT(Higher Mother Tongue)!:)Those who are going to 5A...Hi again! I mean next year...I am so happy because 4 more days I am going to HK! Will be posting more after the trip. Feel free to listen to the songs.Pls leave a comment in the chatbox:)Tks:D

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

No photos yet...

Sorry for no photos yet in my blog.I just don't know how to put my photos in my blog.But don't worry,I will learn how to put the photos in.But not in this period,cause I need to study for SA2!No worries I will always come to this blog.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

National Day on 9th August!!!

Did anybody go to Marina just to watch the National Day Parade??I didn't.I watched it on TV.Did anybody stand up to say the pledge?Mr Teo will scold u if u never say:P Do u actually love Singapore?Or u just don't feel like saying the pledge because u are scared that people will laugh at u?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

National Day Celebration in School!!

Today,we celebrated National Day in School.Its kinda 'Boring' cause of H1N1 and Mr Teo talk.I guess this year National Day will be the worst of all!:( We enjoyed the most is the singing and the video clip.Teachers were also singing!Can't believe right???Teachers also know how to have fun man!Teachers so childish...Ok...teachers are not supposed to see that sentence......

Modern Dance

Does anybody want to join modern dance???Because we are shortage of a few people...If u want to join pls tell Mr Lukman or Ms Livia.The timing is(Thursday 7.30a.m.-9.00a.m.)Hope that you will join!Will be waiting for your response.

My New Blog

Hi everybody!!This is my first time creating a blog...Hope that u will like it!Er...I forgotten what to say...Oh and my best friends are:Cheryl Chai,Yew Shi Min,Lim Wei Xuan and Jacintha Kwan.I got to go now!Next time I will blog more about me!See Ya!:D